Concerned about your relationship?

Could your relationship stand a makeover? Are you feeling like you and your partner are no longer compatible? Are you dealing with the residue of an affair and not really sure of how to pick up the pieces to rebuild your relationship? Are you engaged to be married and scared because you’ve never seen a successful relationship, but you want so desperately for things to work? If so, we can relate and we can help you.

What We Do

We help couples overcome their stumbling blocks to achieve the relationship they desire. Conflicts are not a bad thing, they can provide a beautiful opportunity to deepen understanding, trust, and intimacy and allow growth. In our experience, when couples go from opponents to teammates and begin to seek solutions instead of problems progress begins. That is the power of agreement! When the focus becomes cultivating love, intimacy, and trust (L.I.T) within you are then able to experience L.I.T. within your relationship too! This is exactly what happens through deep, inner work.

How It Works

Coaching isn’t a form of counseling or therapy. Coaching is not about us telling you what to do either or attempting to solve your problems for you. Coaching is designed to support you in a way that allows you to gain the clarity you seek and come to your own preferred action. We ask thought-provoking questions to allow you to discover what in your subconscious mind is not on board with your conscious desires. 95% of what we feel, think, how we act, and the choices we make are subconscious, so this is key. Once you have identified and addressed what’s been getting in the way of your progress then we will help support you to choose differently and move forward towards your desires.

 Unfortunately, insight alone isn’t going to ensure sustained change so we will also assist you in building grey matter on the right side of the brain for less resistance. We help you turn those insights into full embodiment through RESET Breathwork and Sound Healing. The best way to understand how coaching works is to experience it because we can show you better than we can tell you! Contact us now for your free session!