Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” –Thich Nhat Hanh

Free Individual Breathwork

Are you ready to discover the power of your breath? In this mini Breathwork session we will guide you through the RESET Breathwork Method to help you calm your mind, create safety in your body, and switch your brain activation to the right hemisphere of your brain where your most authentic Self lies. Just know that with every Breathwork session you are changing your reality by broadcasting a HIGHER vibration. Get ready to transform your life from the inside out!!

**If you are/think you are pregnant or have any severe, uncontrolled physical or mental health conditions this practice is strongly not recommended.

Free Couples Breathwork

Are you looking to take your relationship to the next level? You know we got you! In this Couples LIT Experience we will guide you into two intimacy exercises,  RESET Breathwork, and a heart meditation to cultivate LIT; Love, Intimacy, & Trust. RESET Breathwork is excellent for improving your relationship because it allows you to heal and grow individually and together. It’s an amazing way to improve your relationship without “talking” about it, it supports neuroplasticity, and helps you reconnect to your heart. Get ready to connect on the deepest level. If you are a YES for getting LIT, click the button below. Let’s go!

**If you are/think you are pregnant or have any severe, uncontrolled physical or mental health conditions this practice is strongly not recommended.